Distribution of School Stationery to the Sponsored Children of Change alife Uganda Nabbingo

These are some of the beneficiaries of CALU receiving stationery

At every beginning of a new term,CALU  provides school stationery to all sponsored children in Nabbingo, a one of the suburbs in Kampala city.These include books,reams of papers, pens,pencils,geometry sets.

CALU sponsored children are given stationery to take to school which improves on the child’s learning environment. The distribution is done by the Social worker who does the monitoring of these children. CALU sponsors vunurable and disadvantaged children in Nabbingo.

These  children are identified and recruited by the social worker. The aim of sponsoring these children is to enable them go to school.Some of these children are total orphans and some are disadvantaged children . CALU sponsors these children so as to get a chance of going to school since some children don’t go to school because of different circumstances like some parents are not able to pay for their children school fees and so on.

So all in all CALU’s sponsorship provides educational support to these children.

BY Lilian Nabanjala
Social Worker,CALU