Growing a Desire to Share-in Leading Ideas

You have got to be careful if you take and consider social entrepreneurship, it just might change your life! Are you growing a desire to share-in leading ideas and learn from the experience of others advancing the role of entrepreneurs in development?

Social entrepreneurship is the process of pursuing innovative solutions to social problems (Wikipedia). It explores how one can empower people to work their way out of poverty, create jobs and drive economic growth where the power of ideas, know-how and resources can be harnessed to enrich lives and effect positive change.

This doesn’t ask much of me and you but to unleash talents to solve communities’ biggest problems by spreading the solutions and be role models proving that citizens who channel their passion into action can do almost anything.

Even then, there is a big question resounding in my mind of how to turn the ideas into an organization business case. Could social impact bonds, networks for potential collaboration and partnerships for good be the only way to realize the growing desire?
And how can social entrepreneurs attract talent when there aren’t high salaries and options?

By: Collins Kivumbi,
       Procurements and Business Relations, 
       Change a Life Uganda.