Homevisit to Teopista Nakayemba 02.092M Micro Finance project by CALU

In the months of June and July every year it is when intensive home visits are made when the President of CALU and the US team visit the various homesteads of Migyera and Nabbingo beneficiaries.

She is a 10 year old girl coming from a very poor family of 7 children. Her mother carries the load of the whole family by farming and rearing goats on half an acre. The father is a cook in a local school but does not help much. Teopista being the last born, she got the opportunity of sponsorship and got the goat to help with her farming skills and get some income.
Teopista in the background, her mother on the left and the goats
This time around Teopista is in St. Lawrence P/S was picked from her dormitory to take us home to see her goat she received under the Children loan Projects. It was a good moment for her since she had taken some months without checking on her healthy goats since her sponsor paid her dorm fees. The brother Lubega Stanely 02.019M has been telling the stories about the progress of the goats since he also got one two years ago. She looks after her goat in holidays by taking it together with others to graze, gives water and cleans their sleeping ground.

After 30 minutes we reached a wide courtyard in Kyabakwezi village with over 5 goats resting waiting for the afternoon to feed on the brown grass. The mother who is also a beneficiary in CALU crafts group was found under a tree weaving her tray. It was a nice moment for us since we tested the raw cassava which was to be prepared for lunch, played with goats and sat on locally made chairs which were comfortable.

Her plans after selling off the kids is to pay for her loan slowly, pay for study tours organized by the school and buy other needs as well.

By: Juliet Nankumba

Sponsorship coordinator - CALU