Teacher Professional Development at St. Lawrence School in Migyera

Teachers  in Uganda are one of the category of civil servants poorly paid by Government in terms of salaries. As a result very few teachers are capable to pay for their own upgrading. Prior to 2008, most of the teachers at St. Lawrence School were under trained. As a result the teaching approaches they were using could not help pupils to attain quality education. The community had lost interest in the school. Learners’ absenteeism, late reporting and dropouts were high.

Staff development scheme initiated in 2008 is helping teachers to upgrade their skills in pedagogy and management. Training is vital to the institution since it increases the confidence and commitment of staff, gives a feeling of personal satisfaction and achievement broadening opportunities for career progression

Between 2008 and to date, Five teachers have attained diplomas in education, one teacher, a Bachelor of Education degree and one teacher is pursuing a master’s degree. In addition, teaching staff regularly  attend professional development workshops and seminars to upgrade their skills in pedagogy.

The intervention of encouraging teachers to upgrade at St. Lawrence School has helped them to improve on their instructional techniques. Learners’ academic performance has greatly improved, for example failing rate of primary seven completer s has been put to zero. The community’s interest in school has also improved. Thus, their participation in school activities has increased. Learners absenteeism and drop out rates have reduced because they find meaning in what they learn.

By Wesige Andrew,
Education Coordinator,
Change A Life Uganda.