Health in Education programmes taken to St. Lawrence …..

The children at St. Lawrence are fortunate to have partners from US who come up with ideas and materials used daily in their daily lives. It is such a blessing that for some years since Dr. Evelyn Wells carries several toothbrushes for all the 498 pupils in the school together with staff.

Dr. Evelyn Wells conducting a dental session at. St.Lawrence
All the pupils young and old stare at this Doctor ‘a muzungu’ meaning white person with many expectations as she displays her teaching materials before them. Some look like they have never had of words like ‘toothbrush’ or ‘teeth’ I think its because of the American English used……. Its always a good moment since after every session every child walks home with a very fancy toothbrush and they decide to use it as if it has come from heaven as if they have never used one.

Such gifts make a big change in our children since they all feel they belong to the same family not only the ‘sponsored’. The hygiene is also improved and they feel cared for by the Organization and always look at giving back to others since they are viewed as special agents of CALU.

Thanks to the Jersey Shore Medical Center that keeps sending Doctors to our communities.

By: Juliet Nankumba
Sponsorship Coordinator, CALU

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