Clinical Officer with Newborn child

                          Inset is the Clinical Officer, Mr. Simiyu observing the baby's breath
One day in the month of October 2013 i visited Migyeera Health Centre III where Change A Life Uganda is partnering with the Church to deliver health care services to the community. I found a mother whose hopes were lost and pleading to the doctor to use all the tactics he acquired while studying his career in  human medicine. This was because she had obstructed labour and the C/O had opted to refer her to the regional hospital because it needed an operation and in Migyeera the staff can only do minor surgery because of inadequate equipments . However, he made a second attempt with the equipments delivered by CAL USA and managed to get hold of the umbilici-co cord that had tied around the neck of the child preventing it from coming out despite the mother's efforts in pushing it out. He then cut it and there came the baby whose mother had lost hope in.
It was a lovely baby boy. The life of the mother together with the child was transformed through Migyeera Health Centre III with support from CAL.

Published by
Rhoda Anyadwe
Program Manager
Change A Life Foundation Uganda

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