The Gates Leading to St. Joseph's Primary School Nabbingo |
It is hard to put into words how good it feels to check Facebook and see the updates from Morish Ogwang and the St. Joseph's Primary School Chess Club. To see the joy in their faces as they play Chess and to know that we helped make those smiles happen. I didn't expect this much from only spending a day with these wonderful children and leaving a few extra Chess Boards until I could arrange additional Chess Sets be provided to them. To be honest, I didn't even expect to teach Chess at St Joseph's Primary School at all. My children, Timmy & Judy, and I were prepared to teach 10-12 students and 3-4 teachers at St. Lawrence Primary School in Migyera, Uganda. We had only bought about a dozen Club Quality Chess Sets with us to teach and play on and half a dozen Dollar Store Chess Sets to give away as incentives for the Chess Class. We intended on teaching these few students for 4-5 days and then have them teach their peers that were interested in learning how to play Chess. I was not prepared for the OVERWHELMING response we received at St. Joseph's and the follow-up that has happened since our departure from Uganda, as it was a late and most welcomed addition to our itinerary. We were able to teach Morish and 10 Students from St. Joseph's Primary School on our 2nd Day in Nabbingo, Uganda. We spent about 3 1/2 hours teaching and playing Chess only stopping for a brief "Soda Break". ;-)
We finished our trip by teaching Chess at St. Lawrence Primary School in Migyera and going on a 2-Day Safari and then returned home. To his credit, Morish has kept us updated on the growth of the "St. Joseph's Primary School Chess Club - Nabbingo", as they have added an additional 20members and have added 3 additional teachers. We have sent out an additional 10 Club Quality Chess Sets, ScoreCards and Teaching Materials to Uganda to help the Chess Club move forward. I can't wait to see those pictures once they get posted. Keep up the GREAT Work Morish!!
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