Treasure Bags, Bring Smiles to P.2

It was a Wednesday afternoon when Jill and Ginne quilters from USA brought smiles to primary two (P.2) pupils of St. Lawrence Migyera. They wanted each child to learn how to sew a treasure bag as a gift to take home, that they would use to carry their; pencils, money, sweets etc. 

Jill and Ginne in-front of primary two class (P.2)

They brought pocket patterns, threaded needles that were handed to the each child; with the help of a translator they described to the children the procedure of making a treasure bag. The children were filled with joy as they each sewed one side of their straps to a side of their pocket pattern and then another. Those who finished first lined up to have their photos taken which inspired those who had not finished to hurrry, because they also wanted to have their photo taken by their new friends. At the end of it all each one of them had a treasure bag to carry home.
P.2 pupils line up to have their photo taken

children carrying their treasure bags 2hours later

By: Claire Namukwaya,
Crafts Coordinator, CALU

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