Safe Water Forever in Migyera

Migyera is one of the driest parts in central Uganda. The water table in the area is very poor. As a consequence, the communities are lacking supply of clean water for domestic use. School going children have to carry water in bottles for drinking while at school. For those whose families care to prepare it for them. However, majority of them stay thirsty at school since most schools in the area have no capacity to avail safe water to the pupils. As a result many children drink any water they come across. Waterborne diseases are common among children.

The intervention by Change A Life Uganda to initiate and work on the Water Project for Migyera creates great hope for acquiring safe water forever in Migyera. Change A Life Uganda has mobilized funds for the project and a great deal of work on the project has been done. The community is optimistic to this project.

By Wesige Andrew,
Education Coordinator,
Change A Life Uganda.

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