What’s your mindset: Chess or Checkers??

What’s your mindset: Chess or Checkers??

This is Timothy S. Cusack (in the green shirt and glasses). I knew who he was in high school, but didn’t know him. He believes deeply in the strength of family. He understands the importance of building into the community. He pours back into others and teaches his children to do the same. His life exemplifies Ubuntu, an African principle of unity.
Here is his response to The Difference Dynamic questions.
My Name is Timothy Cusack. I was born in Paterson, NJ. I lived there until the middle of seventh grade, when I moved to Lakewood, N.J., where I finished middle school and attended Lakewood High School. Upon graduation, I attended Seton Hall University.
I became a foster child and ultimately an emancipated minor due to my mother’s health issues. My mother was very ill when I was growing up. She had diabetes, multiple sclerosis and numerous other illnesses over her short lifetime. Because of her illnesses, she required 24-hour medical supervision and was placed in a nursing home in her early 40’s. I was placed in foster care and was able to see the good and the bad of the system first-hand. It changed my life and showed me the importance of family, and the concept of “extended family”. Looking back it was probably my first encounter with the concept of “UBUNTU”.
I don’t think of a “harmonious world” in the Utopian sense, because I don’t think humanity will ever be ready for that state of being, but rather a world where we can actually communicate with each other without all the hate and vice we have today. In the words of Rodney King, “Can’t we all just get along!!” I know there will always be strife and conflict in the world, but could it actually be over something worthwhile? We need to “TALK” out our differences a little more and fight “A LOT LESS!!”
I really don’t remember where I heard this quote, or how badly I have screwed it up over the years, but it is the “mantra” I try to live by and instill in my children (it is also the focus of our Change for Chess Program): “I believe that 90% of the world is playing CHECKERS while only 10% of the World is Playing CHESS, and half of them are PAWNS!!”
I think this is VERY true in today’s society with sooooooo much talk about the top 1%, 5%, or 10% having 50%-75% of the world’s wealth. Those are the people playing chess!! Everyone else is playing checkers!! They have a different mindset and way of doing things that allow them to be successful.
I just want to get on the board. I can accept being a PAWN because I know how to play the GAME, and I know if I can stay alive long enough I can get promoted to become a more powerful piece on the chess board of life!!
This is what I teach my children and hope to teach other children through our Change for Chess Program. www.ChangeForChess.org
So there you have it. A story of family, strength, strategy, and communication. Now that’s a powerful difference dynamic.
Here you have Timmy, Judith and I attempting to leave our Chess Class at St. Joseph's Primary School Nabbingo, Uganda
Here you have Timmy, Judith and I attempting to leave our Chess Class at St. Joseph’s Primary School Nabbingo, Uganda
Who will be next to share their story?

Music Marathon For Medicine

Medical Supplies Arriving in Uganda
Medical Supplies Arriving at St. Francis Migeera Clinic in Uganda
The Music For Medicine Event is dedicated to raising funds for the Money For Medicine Program offered by Change A Life Uganda, which operates the St. Francis Migyera ClinicSt. Lawrence Primary School and a Satellite Clinic in Nabbingo, Uganda.  The Event will consist of Children and Adults aged 5 and up performing Classical and Folk/Pop Music on Piano, Flute, Guitar, Violin and Vocals.
The Music For Medicine Director, Annie Breen, has done Music Marathon Events in the past to help feed many families throughout Africa and to help Citizens here at home in the US pay there medical bills.
The Suggested Donation Amount is $20, but we also will be accepting In-Kind Donations In-Lieu of Cash Donations of much needed hygiene and medical supplies like Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Dental Floss, Deodorant and other Toiletries, Band-Aids, ACE Bandages, as well as NEW Socks, Children’s Undergarments (Underwear/Panties/T-Shirts), Pajamas or SLIGHTLY WORN Clothing Items such as; Shorts, Shirts, Pants, Shoes, Jackets, Coats, etc…
The proceeds of the Event will go to purchase badly needed medical supplies for the St. Francis Migyera & Nabbingo Clinics.  Much needed Anti-Malaria Medication, Medical Equipment, Supplies, as well as staff and patient and training will be paid for with your Generous Donations!!
RSVP: Annie Breen 848-218-3424 to attend, volunteer or make a donation to Change A Life Uganda’s Money For Medicine Program.

ChangeALife Uganda Festival Schedule

Schedule of Events

4:00 Welcome kick off with Emcee Joan Rizzo
Games, Crafts, 50/50 and Vendors open
Paint the Car with Pinky!

4:30 Musical guest Billy Ruggles

5:00 Blessing by Father Lawrence
National Anthem sung by Owen Doherty
Ugandan National Anthem sung by Father Lawrence

5:15 Musical guest Two Reds and The Beard
Uganda/USA Soccer Game begins!

6:00 African Dance Show with Jack Newsome, Bailey Newsome and Rachel Makstein

6:30 Father Lawrence remarks and Live Auction

7:30 Musical guest NY5

7:45 Musical guest Sam Sims

8:00 Games, Crafts and Vendors close
50/50 Winner Drawn

8:45 Musical guest Ardvark Smile

9:45 Wrap up and Goodbyes

Thank you!

ChangeALife Uganda 

Extends a Special Thank You to Our 

CALU Festival Sponsors

 Knightsbridge Farm

Middletown, NJ


Jean Semler Dave Thelan

Jackson, NJ


& George Doehner

Colleen Duffey

Rumson, NJ

Resources Realty


The Nicholson Family

 Little Silver, NJ

Barbara "B" Carr Mahon

Rumson, NJ

 Sotheby's International Realty


Sophia Kho
 Red Bank, NJ
Kho & Co.

Judit Papp
Middletown, NJ
Judit Photography

Timothy Cusack
Tinton Falls, NJ


The Chandler Family

 Little Silver, NJ

Beth Sillen

Fair Haven, NJ
Art Direction and Design

Kimberly Newsome

Rumson, NJ

Fly, LLC

Pamela Marvin & Claudia Lucey
Highlands, NJ
Two River Meeting and Event Planning
Highlands, NJ

Nicole Lucas
Red Bank, NJ


Everyone here at Change A Life Uganda would like to give a Very Special “Thank You” to the following Companies and Individuals for all of their help in making the 2nd Annual ChangeALife Uganda Festival a HUGE Success!!

 Benefactors ($1,000) 

Knightsbridge Farm 
Middletown, NJ

Kathleen and George Doehner

 Colleen Duffney 
Resources Realty 
Rumson, NJ

Jean Semler & Dave Thelan
Change A Life Uganda
Jackson, NJ 

 Sponsors ($500) 

The Nicholson Family 

The Chandler Family 

Barbara "B" Carr Mahon 
Sotheby's International Realty 
Rumson, NJ


 Beth Sillen 
Art Direction and Design 
Fair Haven, NJ

 Sophia Kho 
Kho & Co. 
Red Bank, NJ

 Kimberly Newsome 
Fly, LLC 
Rumson, NJ

 Judit Papp 
 Judit Photography 
Middletown, NJ

 Pamela Marvin 
Claudia Lucey 
Two River Meeting and Event Planning 
Highlands, NJ

 Timothy Cusack 
Social Media Coordinator 
Tinton Falls, NJ 


 Sam Sims 
Rumson, NJ 

 Rumson, NJ 

 New York, NY 


Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School Key Club 
Rumson, NJ

Red Bank Regional High School Volunteers
Red Bank, NJ

 All the Wonderful CALU Festival Volunteers!!

Counselling The Best Teacher

CALU students in high school and in vocational institutions were brought from Migyeera to Mawugulu farm for three days, during their stay at the farm they were taught farming skills which included caltivation, rearing cattle and chicken.

Counselling was conducted on the second day where(2) counsellors from a known Lungujja Community Based Innitiative were invited to conduct the Educational Guidance to the students.
The students were earger to learn and had alot of questions to ask which they fowarded to the consellors.The counsellors started with career guidance where they ellaborated that the students had to focus on their studies to enable them get better jobs which will help them become better persons in future, and were also encouraged to be job creators not job seekers which was through joining vocational institutions.
The students were taught about abstinance and its advantages being the best option to enable them live a good life.
They were taught about personal hygiene; the way they were supposed to brush their teeth, wash their  bodies to prevent body odours, how to keep the body clean during your menstration periods, wash and iron their clothes and how to keep the environments they live in clean.

The students presented questions they had about sexuality, like sex, wet dreams,body changes and they were all tackled with atmost sensitivity.

The session ended with all the students appreciative of  what they had learnt and they promised to put everything in mind.

Counsellor Maxencia talking to the girls

students making notes about the discussions

By; Nakabazzi Leaticia
Sponsorship Field Officer (children) CALU

Change a Life Uganda In The Eyes of Mariam

Nasanga Mariam is 28 year old bussiness woman who owns a restaurant. She has 2 children a girl and a boy. Her bussiness is located in Kyengera Trading center,12km from Kampala city. During an interaction she narreted that;

“I received a loan worth 1,000,000 from change a life Uganda six months ago with guidance from the loan officers, I used the money to expand my business/restaurant .”

Before this loan her business was on small scale; she worked by myself, did not have a blender to make juice, used to buy one crate of beer and one of soda, had afew chairs, did not know how to save and keep records.
The restaurant before Mariam got the Loan


But after getting the loan she explained that;

“ I have managed to employ a few people to help me out, I aquired a refregretor from the Pepsi company due to the buying of more crates of soda which has boosted my resturant sales since I can now provide cold drinks to my customers.”
Mariam shows off the refregretor she got from Pepsi

The blender she bought with the loan money
She went further to narrate that;
From my profits I have managed to enter a fuel business; buying three Jerry cans of fuel and selling to cars stationed at the washing bay neighboring my restaurant. I have also managed to get some good profits from this business because I sell more than two Jerry cans a day.”

According to the status of Mariam’s business am quite confident that by the end of this month she will be able to pay back her loan.
  By; Edwig Nakkanga
Sponsorship Program officer (Adult Literacy) CALU

Successful Story about Deborah

Smiling faces of both the mother and the son as a result of Change a life Uganda
Picture of Denis and his mother infront of their hosuses( the old one and the new one under construction)

Deborah Nagawa is a resident of Nabbingo, Kiyanja a suburb of Kampala. She is 31years old, a mother of five children. She is a single parent, divorced with her husband five years ago. Has one sponsored child in the child sponsorship program called Denis Tugume. Denis is 10years old and he is in primary three.

Deborah is a very hardworking lady, fetches water for the community so as to earn a living. Fetches twenty jerrycans of water a day if at all its sunny season, earns five thousand shillings per day and saves one thousand shillings a day. She saved some money and managed to put up a one roomed house for her family. since Change a life pays her child's school fees.

Deborah also involves herself in Change a life's activities like making crafts and tailoring. She is so committed in whatever she does, very much loves her family despite the fact that she is a single parent.