Change a Life Uganda In The Eyes of Mariam

Nasanga Mariam is 28 year old bussiness woman who owns a restaurant. She has 2 children a girl and a boy. Her bussiness is located in Kyengera Trading center,12km from Kampala city. During an interaction she narreted that;

“I received a loan worth 1,000,000 from change a life Uganda six months ago with guidance from the loan officers, I used the money to expand my business/restaurant .”

Before this loan her business was on small scale; she worked by myself, did not have a blender to make juice, used to buy one crate of beer and one of soda, had afew chairs, did not know how to save and keep records.
The restaurant before Mariam got the Loan


But after getting the loan she explained that;

“ I have managed to employ a few people to help me out, I aquired a refregretor from the Pepsi company due to the buying of more crates of soda which has boosted my resturant sales since I can now provide cold drinks to my customers.”
Mariam shows off the refregretor she got from Pepsi

The blender she bought with the loan money
She went further to narrate that;
From my profits I have managed to enter a fuel business; buying three Jerry cans of fuel and selling to cars stationed at the washing bay neighboring my restaurant. I have also managed to get some good profits from this business because I sell more than two Jerry cans a day.”

According to the status of Mariam’s business am quite confident that by the end of this month she will be able to pay back her loan.
  By; Edwig Nakkanga
Sponsorship Program officer (Adult Literacy) CALU

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