Goodbye Malnutrition

Happiness comes easy for some, but for many, it’s a daily struggle. Our set points for happiness differ, as do our circumstances. Yet, what we do about our circumstances makes all the difference. So does what we eat, because nutrition is the foundation of wellness. Nutrition is the basis of happiness and Malnutrition the opposite.
In our campaign to fight malnutrition in Migeera, 15 malnourished children were identified and have been enrolled on the Nutrition program. The program aims at fighting malnutrition in children through Agriculture and Livestock keeping.

Below are photos of some children that have been enrolled on the program.

In our struggle to end malnutrition, mothers are trained on the following topics: Malnutrition, Nutrition, Hygiene, Breast and complementary feeding and Agriculture. The trainings are conducted by the field educators once every week for a period of 4 months. This is because we believe that an investment in knowledge pays the best interest!
Above are photos of mothers during one of the sessions.

For the need to support the families in the field of Agriculture and Livestock keeping, each household has been given agricultural input (seeds) i.e. beans, maize, green vegetables, fruit trees and chicken.
In the photos, Mothers showing off their agricultural input, then the next photo is the parish priest of Migeera, field educators and the mothers.

In Uganda, Malnutrition is the root cause of the deaths of 2.6 million children each year, and the bodies and brains of 450 million more will fail to develop properly due to inadequate diet over the next 15 years unless immediate action is taken.

Join us in our struggle to end malnutrition in Migeera.

By:  Barbara Nabbosa
Health Program Coordinator

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