Microenterprise Program Overview

The CALU Microenterprise program is designed for the purpose of providing loans to socially and economically disadvantaged households, and women owned small businesses. As such, several projects and services have been sponsored that directly affect rural residents and enterprise by generating strategies to help strengthen competiveness and sustainability for small household businesses in underserved communities.
CALU offers services for very specific purposes.
  •   Microloans/Individual loans
  • Group and business Loan Advantage
  • Crafts and tailoring
  • Children Enterprise
We recognize that small business is critical to community recovery and strength, to building futures, and to helping the undeserved and underprivileged compete in the marketplace.

CALU microfinance program helps such groups of people start, build and grow businesses. CALU is committed to helping small businesses in the poor rural communities succeed.

As such, several projects and services have been sponsored that directly affect rural residents and enterprise by generating strategies to help strengthen competiveness and sustainability for small businesses in underserved communities.
The micro loan is designed for undeserved individuals, families and households.

Group and Business Loan Advantage
CALU works to provide loans to small groups and businesses that might not otherwise be able to obtain financing. Group and business Loan Advantage is designed to expand access to capital for small businesses and groups in underserved communities.

Crafts and Tailoring
The crafts and tailoring projects are designed to develop practical, aesthetic and thinking skills and creativity through the conception and production of individual works and an in-depth engagement with materials. Skills not only refer to manipulating materials, but also conceiving, evaluating and solving problems. It is also a strategy to improve self-sustainability options for households specifically targeting women.

Children Enterprise
We want our children to be prepared for a successful future in educational and adult working life. We recognise that the jobs, technologies and services are changing and will continue to change rapidly over time and so it is important to have core skills that can be applied and employed regardless of job, available tools or working environment.
We want children to

  •    Raise their Aspiration
  • Apply learnt skills 
  •   Develop the core skills of communication, numeracy, literacy, problem-solving, and working with others.
  • Develop their Awareness of others/issues as they plan and make decisions
  • Achieve well across the curriculum and in life.
  • Enhance personal and social development. All directed to tackling child poverty. An activity can be classed as enterprising by;
  •  Having a real reason for it. 
  • Children taking over-all responsibility for planning and decision making for the project

 By: Collins Kivumbi
Micro enterprise Program Coordinator

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