Mend For Charity

By; Claire Namukwaya
       Crafts and Tailoring Coordinator CALU

When a child has a torn uniform it mentally affects their learning; they cannot raise up their hand to ask a question during class because they are embarrassed of the hole in their under arm, embarrassed to stand up because of the hole at the back or front of their shorts, dress, shirts and afraid to interact with their friends because they don’t want them to see the holes in their uniforms.

The mend for charity activity was thought of to help children with torn uniforms. The teachers in class on that specific day help pick the pupils from class so that no child is left out; they are sent to the tailoring workshop to have their uniforms mended by the trainees in the tailoring project, in that way the trainees give back to CALU and their community.


Above; Miss Ginnie and Miss Jill replacing the missing buttons on the boys' shirts 

Trainees figuring out how to repair a pupil's uniform
The trainees provide the wrappers used by the pupils as their uniforms are being mended;
Children waiting as their uniforms are being mended, using wrappers provided by the Trainees
when the uniforms have been mended they dress up and go back to class confidently, and go on with their learning.
Happy children wearing mended uniforms

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